Global Study of Gratitude
What would happen if we ask many people around the world some simple questions about what does gratitude mean? Let´s see what happens… 100 thanks is a nonprofit project and it´s born of desires of being grateful for people who helped me to change. After that, the gratitude movement spread to more people. Amazing things were born from this movement as you can verify in this web. Sara Rodriguez Laínz, psycho...Read more...

"If" by Kipling: a great poem and 100Thanks Italy
"If" by Rudyard Kipling is one of the most incredible, powerful and inspiring poems I have ever read. It was written over 100 years ago and in my case it has been a great help; as I was falling, as I felt as if I was getting stranded, reading it helped me hold myself. "If you can hold your head in its place when all around you have lost their minds and blame you. If you can continue to believe ni yourself whe...Read more...

What if we sent and organized thankfulness?
Inspired by the idea of writting 100 learned things, 100 things to thank for; from 100Thanks we have proposed to put the means and construct a space to pass to the action, This way all the people who want to support this movement can leave their 100 thanks and help this way to propagate it.. 100Thanks is a free movement and here we explain how you can Boost 100Thanks.
Iván Quiñoá, embajador 100Thanks, en "La mañana" de TVE .
Entrevista de Mariló Montero a nuestro embajador Iván Quiñoá en Las Mañana de La 1, Radio Televisión Española. Los embajadores 100Thanks promueven la cadena de gratitud a través de sus historias vitales. La historia que hizo comenzar este proyecto comparado con sus historias de vida es NADA, por eso queremos que puedan inspiraros y sean los mayores propulsores de este movimiento.